Santiago Torres


High-Performance Computing

This page serves as a database of the numerical tools I use for my research.

Towards environmentally sustainable computational science. The Green Algorithms project aims at promoting more environmentally sustainable computational science. It regroups calculators that researchers can use to estimate the carbon footprint of their projects, tips on how to be more environmentally friendly, training material, past talks etc.

Astropy package contains key functionality and common tools needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics with Python.

REBOUND is an N-body integrator, i.e. a software package that can integrate the motion of particles under the influence of gravity.

REBOUNDx (eXtras) allows you to easily incorporate additional physics into your REBOUND N-body integrations.

is the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment, that allows you to simulate many astrophysics systems.

MESA, Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics.

POSYDON : POpulation SYnthesis with Detailed binary-evolution simulatiONs

Gala is an Astropy affiliated python package that aims to provide efficient tools for performing common tasks needed in galactic dynamics.

Galpy is a Python package for galactic dynamics.

Swift is an open-source cosmological and astrophysical numerical solver designed to run efficiently on modern hardware. A comprehensive and extensive set of models for galaxy formation as well as planetary physics